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UPSC Result

Results & Steps There After

Selection and Joining SPI

Based on the results the Entrance Examination conducted at various Examination Centers and the Interviews, a consolidated overall merit list will be prepared including a waiting list. It will be uploaded on the SPI website. The detailed "Joining Instructions" will be sent to all selected candidates by email. The first term of the new course will normally commence in the 1st/2nd week of June

Academic Terms & Vacations

Academic year is divided in two terms viz first term and second term. At the end of the first term, vacations are granted during Diwali in the month Oct/Nov. At the end of second term vacations are granted during summers, most likely during the month of April/May There are four types of leave at SPI- summer break, winter break, sick leave and leave on compassionate grounds (on death of an immediate family member or a blood relation). No other type of leave is granted to a cadet.

Discipline & Adhering to the Daily Routine

Military form of discipline is expected to be maintained at SPI all the time and in all activities. Emphasis is given that the cadet maintains a high standard of personal turn-out and conduct in and outside the campus. Any act of indiscipline is dealt with strictly. An agreement to this effect is executed and signed by the parents/guardians of the cadet at the time of joining. For issues related to ragging please refer to paragraph 2(c) under heading Withdrawal under section Joining SPI

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